#11 Stevan Mihajlovic

Stevan Mihajlovic (29) got severely injured by one C-shot in 2021. One mRNA shot has completely changed his life.
Stefan was born and raised in Serbia. He moved to Switzerland to do his second Master and after finishing his study he started to work in Switzerland.
He was very happy and healthy. Due to immense pressure he decided to take the C-shot. It immediately felt wrong.
He started to have many weird sensations and it evolved within weeks into more serious symptoms:
- lightheaded all the time
- migraine attacks
- cognitive issues
- extreme fatigue
- involuntary movements in his whole body
- electrical sensations and his head started to tilt.
After catching C-infection his symptoms became even worse. Stevan was gaslighted by the doctors. He was told it was psychosomatic and that it had nothing to do with the shot.
After several doctor visits including a psychiatrist they concluded it is not at all psychological. Stevan has proof from the medical experts that his injury is caused by the shot.
One immunologist from the University Hospital even said to him in his face that he should not have taken the shot, especially not at his age. They are seeing these kind of injuries happening a lot nowadays due to the shots.
Stevan’s life has completely changed. He lost his girlfriend, his health and most probably he will lose his job soon. He has many financial debts and is still searching for the right doctor and treatment to recover. He got denied to join a clinical study because his symptoms were not matching their criteria.
He found a way how to stop his involuntarily movements. The only way to stop it is when he puts his arm in a very specific way around his head. However this position is making his life very uncomfortable and impossible to do daily tasks. It is also quite visible, as he mentioned during the conversation, people might perceive him as a ‘creep’ now.
Stevan wants to see justice in the future, because this whole system and the way how we the injured people are being treated is absolutely criminal.
Stevan gained a lot of knowledge regarding injuries caused by these shots and he is willing to help other people and give them advice for free.
Stevan was better examined in a hospital in Brussels. A very specific scan of his head was done and it showed that he has brain damage. It turns out the whole brain except for the brain stem had hypoperfusion (= decreased blood flow). That’s what people with Alzheimer’s have. It also shows endothelial damage and lack of oxygen in the tissue.
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